Sunday, November 30, 2014

How I Feel About the Ferguson Case

Honestly if I begin about Ferguson, I probably won't be able to stop. I think that this is the most ridiculous thing that is going on. People are forgetting the police officer's point of view. People are forgetting that the police officer has his own life that he has to protect. Also nobody knows exactly what happened. I don't know what happened, and neither do the protestors. There is no reason why people should be acting the way they do. If people feel the need to speak up about the way they feel, they shouldn't be violent about it. I also feel very bad for the police officer because he cannot live his life normal anymore. He most likely has to look over his shoulder every time he steps outside his house. I think there are so many things that have not be considered that should be considered before people react the way they've been reacting.

Publication Sites

1. Millenium Shift e-journal - This publication accepts work that has relatively the same length as we write in class. Our feature articles would be perfect to submit to this publication because the feature articles they accept are about 1,000 words. To submit something, you just have to email

2. Crescent Blues - This publication also accepts features that are similar in length to what we write in class so it would be perfect to submit to them. To submit you just have to email